Following is a list of pages with sample code. Types of code include standalone reusable functions/classes, reusable modules, example code illustrating the use of other modules, tutorials on using other modules, full programs, and design patterns.
Lua 5.x
- Metatables - Classes
- Metatables - Other Design Patterns
- AccessHiddenTables - Access hidden tables using metatables (functions)
- ComparisonByValue - make a table compare its keys by value rather than by reference
- FuncTables - memoization of functions using callable tables (design pattern, code, and tutorial) (editor note: possibly move)
- FunctionalTuples - implementing tuples in terms functions (design pattern and tutorial) (editor note: possibly move)
- MutableFunctions - using functions to simulate the semantics of tables (design pattern)
- ObjectProperties - implementing object properties - obj.field (function and design pattern)
- ReadOnlyTables - making a table read-only via metamethods (function and design pattern)
- OrderedAssociativeTable - iterate over a table using a sorted index (function and design pattern)
- OrderedTable - iterate over tables in the order of key insertion (function and design pattern)
- OrderedTableSimple - iterate over tables in the order of key insertion (function and design pattern)
- ProxyBasedEncapsulation - encapsulation of objects via proxy tables (function/design pattern)
- RecursiveDataTypes - handling recursive data types (design pattern and tutorial)
- RecursiveReadOnlyTables - making a nested table read-only via metamethods (function and design pattern)
- SetVariablesAndTablesWithFunction - recursively build and set table fields with dot notation--e.g. "x.y.z" (function and design pattern)
- GeneralizedPairsAndIpairs -
, pairs
, and ipairs
reimplemented to call metamethods (design pattern and functions)
- NextMetamethodForIndexTable -
-like function for iterating table against table __index
(function and design pattern)
- AsciiMenu - console-based menu system, illustrating menu definition via chain of '.' calls (design pattern)
- OverloadedFunctions - function dispatch by argument types which is defined implicitly by assignment into a virtual table
- StrictStructs - create tables from a template, with checking for unknown fields
- Data Structures
- Algorithms/Traversal
- BinaryInsert - inserts a value into a sorted array via a binary search algorithm (function)
- BinarySearch - searches for a value in a sorted array via a binary search algorithm (function)
- InterpolatingSearch - searches for a value in a sorted array via an interpolating search algorithm (function)
- LazySort - sort only as much of a table as is necessary (function and tutorial)
- LuaSorting - a sample shellsort implementation in pure Lua (function)
- SortedIteration - iterating a table in order by keys (function)
- SortedIterationSimple - iterating a table in order by keys (function)
- RangeIterator - a 'range' iterator function that acts like basic for loops
- MultipleKeyIndexing - indexing by multiple keys implemented as a hash tree (module)
- String/Table Manipulation
- SplitJoin - Perl-like string split/join functions (functions)
- StandardLibraries - os, io, getopt, string, regex, xml, list/set/table, object, and math modules (modules)
- StringInterpolation - interpolating variables into strings in Lua (functions and design patterns)
- StringRecipes - solutions to various common string manipulation needs (example code)
- VarExpand - bash-style inline variable and code expansion
- LuaRecipes - useful code snippets and functions (design patterns)
- LuaPrintf - emulation of printf string formatting (function)
- FormattingNumbers - format numbers in monetary format (function)
- EnhancedFileLines - functions for portably handling '\r\n' chars (functions)
- StringIndexing - easy access to characters and substrings
- Preprocessing/Templates/Parsing
- Serialization
- Mathematics/Numbers
- FloatSum - accurate floating point summation
- SimpleRound - round number to n decimal places (functions)
- SimpleStats - some simple statistics routes for tables.
- LuaMatrix - basic matrix functions (module)
- SimpleFit - curve fitting (module)
- HammingNumbers - enumerate hamming numbers (function)
- HammingNumbersVariant - enumerate hamming numbers, with lazy list (function)
- ComplexNumbers - simple attempt to handle complex numbers (functions)
- IntegerDomain - calculates the actual limits for integer numbers which can be exactly represented by Lua (function)
- UnitConversion - converting intervals of time (can be extended to any non-uniform system of measurement, such as Imperial units)
- HyperbolicFunctions - a pure Lua implementation for the hyperbolic trigonometric functions
- Encoding/Cryptography/Compression
- Filesystem
- Coroutines
- Error Handling
- LuaCarp - ensures
function is passed correct level, like Perl Carp (module)
- Testing / Types Checking / Profiling
- Command Line
- Module System
- Time/Date
- LuaXml - handling XML with various libraries (sample code)
- LxpTree - constructs an XML tree from a string/file using LazyKit (example code)
- LuaProjectListToXml - read list of Lua projects from Lua website and output as XML (program)
- Web/HTML
- Device I/O
- Techniques / Design Patterns / Code Structure
- Other
- LuaCompilerInLua - reimplements the Lua compiler front-end (luac.c) in Lua (program)
- LuaInterpreterInLua - reimplements the Lua interpreter (lua.c) in Lua (program)
- RandomSample - random permutation/combination via lazy table approach (design pattern)
- RandomStrings - generate random strings from defined char sets (function)
- DemoScripts - random examples to showcase Lua
- StlToObj - convert ASCII STL files to OBJ (Wavefront) files with optional coloring
- LuaCad - Simple OpenSCAD wrapper for Lua in Windows
- Lua C API samples
Lua 4.x
These should be upgraded to the latest Lua version.
If you are thinking of contributing source code the SourceCodeFormatter may be helpful to you.
See also
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Last edited February 14, 2020 5:59 pm GMT (diff)