Lua Cad |
Lua CAD is a bunch of lua scripts that allow you to use the Lua scripting language syntax to create valid OpenSCAD CAD files ( The OpenSCAD script is passed to the OpenSCAD executable which then compiles it into an STL File. Lua is then used to convert STL to OBJ for example.
- For Windows only (unless you edit a couple of settings yourself, anyways I have no Linux so I cannot test it)
You can find the code on Github,
-- create a cube, pos 0,0,0, width =10, height =20 and depth=30 local cube = cad.cube(0,0,0, 10,20,30) -- export as stl cube:export("D:\\cube.stl") -- export as obj in red cube:export("D:\\cube.obj", {255,0,0}) -- subtract another cube form this one local cube_sub = cube - cad.cube(5,5,0, 10,10,10) cube_sub:export("D:\\cube_sub.stl")