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On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Coroutines <> wrote:
> you would normally expect be unrecognizable.  Some things are easy to
> understand, but it's 7 years later and I still have trouble with make.
>  ((((fuck you make)))) :(

Oh, make is fine - it's when autotools enters the picture that things get hairy!

My unhappiness with build tools resulted in yet another build tool
(Lake) which at least has a sane scripting language.  But man,
building software is a complicated thing!   Another nice thing about
Go is that it has an opinionated but straightforward build system out
of the box.

(Note: although I've been defending Go it isn't my particular go-to
language for anything - did some numerical data processing and learnt
some uncomfortable things (a) the 'safe' way to read binary data uses
reflection and is seriously slow and (b) there are no default type
conversions so the types appear in expressions, rather in
declarations. The search for a new language continues...)