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Hi Daniel,

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 09:18:57 +0100
Daniel Silverstone <> wrote:

> That's the ideal as far as I am concerned. It will start to get
> interesting as we move to Lua 5.0 as I intend to ensure Debian has a
> dynaloader like interface so that people can extend Lua in Debian in a
> way which will make it able to rival Python and Perl for people who
> prefer Lua for writing minature scripts in. I'm a Perl man, but my
> partner far prefers Lua :)

Sounds cool =)

> Well, the Debian package page is:
> But that might not be as useful as you want -- let me know if you'd
> prefer something more.

It looks good to me. Actually, I already submitted the change to
Freshmeat, you can check the project page at

If I may suggest you, the Lua description on the URL you gave me seems to
be truncated (the last sentence goes like this: "Lua is dynamically typed,
interpreted from bytecodes, and has [???] and rapid prototyping."). Maybe
you should take a look at it. You could use the one at Freshmeat page,
which has been agreed with Lua authors (it's basically a superset of

Thank you very much for your cooperation =)

