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t = {f="f1", s="s1"}                         -- t is a table
t = {{f="f1", s="s1"}, {f="f2", s="s2"}}     -- t is a vector of tables
t = {{f="f1", s="s1"}}                       -- t is a vector with a single

If you want to support the #2 and #3 here is a code snippet.

const char *LuaGetTable(char *item)
  const char *s = NULL;
  lua_pushstring(S, item);
  lua_gettable(S, -2);
  if (lua_isstring(S, -1))
    s = lua_tostring(S, -1);
  lua_pop(S, 1);
  return s;


  lua_getglobal(S, "t");
  if (lua_istable(S, -1))
    int i;
    int n = lua_getn(S, -1);
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      lua_rawgeti(S, -1, i);
      printf("t.f = %s\n", LuaGetTable("f"));
      printf("t.s = %s\n\n", LuaGetTable("s"));
      lua_pop(S, 1);

-- Danilo