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Dirk Laurie <> wrote:

> 2017-11-29 13:54 GMT+02:00 Paige DePol <>:
>> I will, however, advocate that perhaps the community should adopt the "soft
>> fork" and "hard fork" terminology in order to differentiate compatible and
>> incompatible derivatives of Lua. That would be very helpful in my opinion.
> I have also seen the term "hostile fork", e.g. with reference to the
> ffmpeg/libav tussle.

Well, lets hope that the Lua community never sees a hostile fork!

I am going to use "soft fork" and "hard fork" when I talk about the various
Lua variants as I believe it is a nice concise way to differentiate them.

I also plan to place a warning in each of my patch files indicating that any
hard forks will require Lua to be renamed. I will also include a link to an
online tool I am creating that will generate a patch file to fully rename
Lua using the information provided by the user.

Now, the MIT license states the following:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

When you run "lua" on the command line you get:

"Lua 5.3.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2017, PUC-Rio"

When I run "lunia" it displays the following instead:

"Lunia 1.0.0  Copyright (c)2017 FizzyPop Studios"

Where should the original copyright be displayed? Perhaps in the output
from the "-v" command line switch?

I ask so when I create my renaming tool I can be sure to include the
copyright and permission notice for compliance with the licensing terms.

Normally for software with a GUI I would just add the information to the
About box or in a seperate Acknowlergements dialog... I have no idea where
is appropriate for the copyright and notice for a CLI program.
