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- Subject: Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module
- From: Dirk Laurie <dirk.laurie@...>
- Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 12:04:51 +0200
2017-11-29 3:09 GMT+02:00 Paige DePol <lual@serfnet.org>:
> Nobody was redefining any terms at any time and I really do not see how you
> think that was the case. At any rate, I have really said all I can say on
> the subject, with numerous cites from a number of sources to back up what
> "fork" means. We will just have to agree to disagree on the matter it seems.
Herman Charles Bosman's book "Cold Stone Jug", which describes itself
as "a chronicle: being the unimpassioned record of a somewhat lengthy
sojourn in prison", contains the following passage on p.162-163 of the
1969 edition:
"The craze for culture and erudition reached its height, and its
spiritual fulness, over the controversy about what was the difference
between a quagga ana a zebra. Nobody knew who started that teaser. But
in no time everybody took it very seriously. It was regarded as a mark
of educational attainment to be able to recite straight out, word
perfect, just as it was in the dictionary, the definition of,
respectively, a zebra and a quagga. ... There were several
dictionaries in the prison, a couple being kept in the library, and
one in the printer's shop, and one in the office where they censored
the letters. And it was noticed, after a while, that in each of these
dictionaries there was a piece cut out on a page having a lot of words
beginning with Q, and also a piece removed from a page where the words
began with Z. ... And if you couldn't recite those two definitions off
pat, no matter how you mispronounced the words, or how ignorant you
were of their meaning, then you were regarded as a person with no
educational attainments."
- References:
- [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Sean Conner
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Paige DePol
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Paige DePol
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Russell Haley
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Paige DePol
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Russell Haley
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Paige DePol
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Russell Haley
- Re: [Proposal-ish?] Lua should bind the Lua C API as a Lua module, Paige DePol