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On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 11:19:46AM -0500, Diego Nehab wrote:
> Hunt through the makefile? Did you take a look at the makefile? What you
> are looking for is in the first page of text, assigned to variables
> called CORE_O and LIB_O. The only thing you won't be able to do is to
> drag all files from a directory into the project, but you can almost do
> it. All you have to do is move 10 files away from the lua.lib into the
> lualib.lib project and the three client files away from both.
> I think the time to create the project changes from 10min to 11min,
> including the peek at the makefile. :)

Not to mention an almost one-time-only effort. I vote for the clearer, more
versatile and powerful... _neat_ new layout.


A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.
        -- P. Erdos 

Luis Carvalho
Applied Math PhD Student - Brown University
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