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I want to say
  "This is a trolling"

On Friday, July 11, 2014 11:31 PM, Alex Szpakowski <> wrote:

Dirk Laurie-2 wrote

> Would it not be simpler to include Lua source code, customized
> to your needs, in your project as e.g. LuaTeX and Love2D do?
> Not rely on any user's separately installed Lua? After all, we are
> talking of less than 400K of C source. How much is merely including
> the usual C++ headers?

LÖVE's source doesn't include Lua's source, and the compiled downloadable
version includes unmodified Lua or LuaJIT. I don't think we'll ever consider
modifying Lua or LuaJIT at the language level since we can provide
everything we need from within the LÖVE API - recent versions of LÖVE can
even be loaded as a library via require or package.loadlib in whatever
(5.1-compatible) Lua interpreter you want to use.

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