We'll if you can also use the event loop for your self that would be
nice. But yes using something like event machine and sdl which both
block doesn't work out.
On Dec 5, 2011 4:56 PM, "Ross Bencina" <rossb-lists@audiomulch.com
<mailto:rossb-lists@audiomulch.com>> wrote:
On 6/12/2011 2:42 AM, Tim Caswell wrote:
For both luvit and nodejs, the main loop is libuv. I'm not sure if
it's possible to share a loop, but it would be a neat experiment for
someone (not me) to try.
The only way I can imagine node and luvit working together is with
multiple processes and message passing through some common IPC.
I thought Daniel's point was not to interleave nodejs and luvit
event loops, but to be able to interleave the luvit event loop with
other event loops (eg a Qt GUI event loop, just to give an example
I'd be interested in). In such a case luvit would have a pump()
method that polls the event i/o queues and then returns rather than
an event loop that blocks for ever. I realise this isn't how to
program a high performance web server but it would be very useful in
event driven applications.
Also, what's the scope for using other proptocol parsers in this
framework? Would it be easy to integrate an RTSP or OSC parser?