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----- Original Message -----
From: Mike McGonagle
Date: 12/16/2010 8:58 AM
Joshua, this looks like a great system. The other part of my project
is also in ANSI C, so this would make for a nice intergrated system.
My only concern here is what license this is released under? I looked
on their website, and in some of the source code, but nothing states
what license it is released under. While it does say...

  * License is hereby granted to use this software and distribute it
  * freely, as long as this copyright notice is retained and modifications
  * are clearly marked.

That doesn't mean that in the future, once they reach version 1.0 that
it won't go proprietary. I just want something that clearly states it
is open source. I mean, it appears to use other open source projects,
but that doesn't mean that this is Open Source.
I tend to license my own software in the public domain or under the MIT license. However, JamPlus is licensed under the same license as Perforce Jam. I have now added a file in the root stating that.

In any case, even if the software went proprietary (and it won't, because it isn't right to take other people's patches and contributions and make money off them), you would still have access to the code in its original license. Licenses can only be altered in newer versions.

Also, I noticed your note to "Don't use 0.3"... is there a way to get
the source for the 0.4 system? Or is this binary a universal one? One
thing that I have to deal with, having an older system is that almost
EVERYONE only releases code for Intel Macs. I still have an old PPC
machine, and can't use the Intel binaries... Do I need to wait for the
official release?

Version 0.3 is old.  It exists only as history.

The Snapshot build is what you want. The only thing preventing a 1.0 release is that a bunch of new documentation needs to be written. A good majority of the system is documented, but it doesn't feel right labeling 1.0 when the documentation isn't complete.

All source code is in the Git repository.  See the wiki for the location.

JamPlus has a contributed PPC build target (PLATFORM=macosxppc) from, I believe, the Unity folks. They have a fork of the JamPlus code on GitHub.

I do not have an active PPC Apple machine. If you want to try to build a PPC JamPlus executable yourself, go to the src/ directory and type: "make macosx". If that doesn't work (due to possible assumptions of Intel architecture), the fix will be easy.

In any case, this is the Lua mailing list. JamPlus has a built-in Lua interface, but conversations like this should be taken offline. Either use the JamPlus forum or email me directly.

