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----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Wing
Date: 12/15/2010 4:58 PM
I use CMake to avoid build-system porting hassles. This page has links
to a Lua repo with CMake description.
As long as we're throwing out build systems, LuaPlus is built using the Perforce Jam-derived JamPlus. JamPlus builds around 50 Lua modules out of box in the LuaPlus distribution for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux and for a variety of compilers. It also kicks out Visual Studio and Xcode projects.

When I want to link against the Lua DLL, I add the following to my Jamfile:

    C.IncludeDirectories MyApp : $(LUA_ROOT)/src ;
    C.LinkPrebuiltLibraries $(TARGET) : lua5.1 ;

When I want to build a Lua C module within another project, I call a Jam rule that looks like this:

Lua.CModule ImageSplitterAlpha : imagesplitteralpha : ImageSplitterAlphaLua.cpp ;

# This is what Lua.CModule does.
if $(OS) = NT {
} else {
    LUA_CDIR = $(LUA_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/lib/lua/5.1 ;
    LUA_LDIR = $(LUA_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/share/lua/5.1 ;

# Let the user pass in an empty TARGET and use what they've set as the ActiveProject.
    TARGET = [ RetrieveActiveTarget $(TARGET) ] ;

# For some reason, this #define doesn't get automatically set in luaconf.h.
    if $(OS) = LINUX {
        C.Defines $(TARGET) : LUA_USE_LINUX ;

    C.IncludeDirectories $(TARGET) : $(LUA_ROOT)/src ;

    if $(OS) != MACOSX &&  $(OS) != LINUX {
        C.LinkDirectories $(TARGET) : $(LUA_ROOT)/bin.vs2010.win32 ;
        C.LinkPrebuiltLibraries $(TARGET) : lua5.1 ;

    # Default the OUTPUT_NAME to the TARGET name, if not specified.

# By default, the module goes straight into the LUA_CDIR directory. This allows OUTPUT_NAME[2] to override it.
    local MODULES_SUBDIR = $(OUTPUT_NAME[1]:D) ;

# Automatically generate a proper luaopen_modulename export. This eliminates the need for a .def file.
    if $(MSVCNT) {
        local EXPORT_NAME = $(OUTPUT_NAME[2]:E=$(OUTPUT_NAME[1])) ;
        local exportName = [ Subst $(EXPORT_NAME) : %. : _ ] ;
        local exportPath = [ Subst $(MODULES_SUBDIR:E="") : / : _ ] ;
        if $(exportPath) != "" {
            exportPath = $(exportPath)_ ;
C.LinkFlags $(TARGET) : /EXPORT:luaopen_$(exportPath)$(exportName) ;

    # Set the output filename of the module.
    C.OutputName $(TARGET) : $(OUTPUT_NAME[1]) ;

# In a debug build, make the module name append .debug to the end so debug and release builds can
    # exist in the same directory.
    C.OutputPostfix $(TARGET) : .debug : debug ;

    # For release, ensure we have no postfix.
    C.OutputPostfix $(TARGET) : : release ;

    # Set the output path of the module.
    C.OutputPath $(TARGET) : $(LUA_CDIR)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR:E=) ;

    # Build it.
    C.Library $(TARGET) : $(SOURCES) : module ;

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention it as an alternative.
