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On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 2:18 AM, Cosmin Apreutesei
<> wrote:
>> Github is good, but I've sometimes made the mistake of thinking that a
>> fork was the original.

DVCS kind of ruins the 'original', since the first step is to fork, then fix.

> I'm after something more palpable - someone giving my little project a
> chance in a real-life project, ultimately bringing it to a whole new
> level of quality (that is, if that someone isn't already me). But to
> get there, I have to give a good impression first. I can't expect
> someone writing documentation/tutorial for my project when it's from
> that that one gets to know the project in the first place. It's like
> expecting the client to market your product for you.

Docs or unit tests.  Actually a comprehensive unit test suite means
that I'll keep an eye on it.  Docs can sometimes look ok until you get
to: TODO: "Your use case."

That being said, I did star this project ;)