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On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 12:35 AM, David Manura <> wrote:
> I've argued [3] for making the
> format a proper subset of the rockspec format, and we've
> taken steps in that direction, or at least to permit automatic
> translation, but we haven't constrained ourselves to that, and the
> format is still in flux.  I'm interested to see where LuaRocks 2.0 is
> going with this too.

LuaRocks 2.0 is almost ready for release. In fact, I planned to
release it during the Lua Workshop, but a few last-minute changes have
prevented me from doing so -- my plan is to release it during the
weekend. In this particular release, the rockspec format and the
remote manifest files will remain the same. The local manifest file
and the structure of local rock trees will change, and newly packed
rocks will include a rock_manifest file (basically a table of
contents). Having said that, there's always room for improving the
format in the future to provide better interoperability, add extra
metadata that may be interesting for use in a catalog site, etc.

-- Hisham