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On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 3:48 PM steve donovan <> wrote:
> There are other changes and little experiments - I am still finding
> new uses. So, it is growing larger because I do not know how big the
> core should be.

This new release is the first one with a version and a license, and
has some changes. The magic identifier 'L' means 'iterate over all
lines in stdin' - it used to also 'it' and this caused confusion all
over the place. Can push results during the (implicit) loop and do
something with the collected results _after_ the loop.

$ cat data/justtosay.txt | el not empty[L] and {L nseq[]} or 0 : push
it end tablefy it
I have eaten         1
the plums            2
that were in         3
the icebox           4

and which            5
you were probably    6
saving               7
for breakfast        8

Forgive me           9
they were delicious  10
so sweet             11
and so cold          12

(this tends to look better with a monospaced font)

I know, there's a lot of magic! But I am playing around in the design
space of 'dialects designed for interactive typing'. It will now be
put to work as my assistant, where it can learn its role in my digital
life (and perhaps of others). Several wheels have been reinvented

I also know it is 1500 lines of Lua in one file. That is just to make
it easier to install - can just make a little wrapper script or even
symlink el.lua to el on the path.

steve d.