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steve donovan <> 于2021年12月2日周四 16:34写道:
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 12:43 AM Lorenzo Donati
> <> wrote:
> > I just skimmed on it, no time right now do delve deeper. Seems nice.
> > There are lots of references to *NIX shell.
> > Does it work on Windows, too?
> The short answer is no, not yet. But there is very little that depends
> on Unix - basically I have to know how to expand '~' to mean HOME and
> assume we have a PWD env var. This is to support the feature where you
> can save values to a little file in your home directory.
> Should be quite easy, but haven't got easy access to a Windows machine
> at the moment. Maybe over the weekend.
> steve d.

after add USERPROFILE and CD for alternatives of HOME and PWD I have
el run on Windows, but I found some issues:
- ^ on windows is a escape char, so I can't make a string now :(
- I use Lua54, which not have bit32, and thus makes the tables not a
sequence and I can never use vars in .el file (move bit32 to last make
it work)

the ^ issue makes it's unusable on windows...

Xavier Wang.