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Howdy nobody,
Thank you for your reply.  I am planning on doing exactly as you suggest, and will get the Lua book.  Also I plan on getting Unix: The Textbook 3rd edition; I found the 1st edition at Half Price Books for next to nothing and I liked it a lot, but lost it in Harvey. 

> On Feb 28, 2018, at 10:16 AM, nobody <> wrote:
> On 2018-02-27 20:31, Glenn Travis wrote:
>> I might just go ahead and get it […] so that I can make corrections to World of Warcraft add ons.
> Reminder: WoW is still stuck at Lua 5.1 (and it also doesn't include a
> complete, unmodified Lua) so not everything from the new book (that
> targets 5.3) will apply.  (IIRC some of the other modifications / omissions were also "fun" surprises but (un/)luckily I don't recall the details because it's too far in the past...)
> So if you don't know Lua (or programming in general) that well yet, I'd
> _strongly_ suggest to learn with the normal Lua interpreter first until you know your way around, then learn what differs in WoW.  It's also easier to debug:  Endless loop in the Lua interpreter?  Hit ctrl-C, you're back at the prompt.  Endless loop in WoW Lua?  Have fun with a hanging fullscreen app, kill it (if you can), then do the whole login dance etc... (at least that's how it was a few years back.)
> Good luck.
> -- nobody