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Am 05.10.2013 13:59 schröbte Andre Arpin:
steve donovan <steve.j.donovan <at>> writes:
On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Andre Arpin <arpin <at>> wrote:
I think this should be documented clearly instead of being left to the
It is a trick, clever maybe, but still just a trick.

The usefulness of the trick is that to install Penlight you just need
to move the pl folder to the correct place (I really should provide an
install script that does just that).  Otherwise, you would have to
move pl.lua _and_ the pl folder.


No the problem is that you have to change your lua_path to use
require 'pl'

I think the problem is that the default `package.path` does not include `./?/init.lua` (only `./?.lua`). So the init-trick works if you install Penlight in any other standard location but not from the CWD.

This should be documented.


