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Andrew Starks <andrew.starks <at>> writes:

> "C:/lua/5.2/?.lua;C:/lua/?/init.lua"
> Pick whichever path seems most simple to you and copy the "pl" directory 
into that. Using my example, you should have a path like:
> "C:/lua/5.2/pl" 
> As I said, however, LuaDist may be a simpler way to start with Lua, as it 
simplifies this process and will properly install the documentation, as well. 
Also, other libraries that need installation are more involved than Penlight. 
> Let me know if I can help further!
> -Andrew 

This is the answer 'C:/lua/?/init.lua' it is convoluted. 
I think this should be documented clearly instead of being left to the reader.
It is a trick, clever maybe, but still just a trick.

Thanks for your help.
