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steve donovan <steve.j.donovan <at>> writes:

> On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Andre Arpin <arpin <at>> wrote:
> > I think this should be documented clearly instead of being left to the 
> > It is a trick, clever maybe, but still just a trick.
> The usefulness of the trick is that to install Penlight you just need
> to move the pl folder to the correct place (I really should provide an
> install script that does just that).  Otherwise, you would have to
> move pl.lua _and_ the pl folder.
> The trickery in pl/init.lua comes from the lazy way it loads each
> module, so that it doesn't include every module, only when they are
> referenced.
> steve d.

No the problem is that you have to change your lua_path to use
require 'pl'

This should be documented.
