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On 17 February 2011 10:52, steve donovan <> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:26 PM, T T <> wrote:
>> I can't understand why so many people here are so fixated on this
>> templating idea without exploring simpler possibilities.  Have you
>> missed my example with unrolling?
> Sorry, I did look at it now.  So the idea is that there are a few
> predefined dimensions, which are 'conditionally' unrolled.
> So the dim >= 2  etc tests are pretty efficient? That is cool...

>From what I understood, the problem really comes down to small loops,
which are not jitted at all.  Since, conditionals will get jitted, you
won't get that much of a performance hit with them.

> Naturally, I think in terms of program textual transformation, as one
> way to bridge the gap between desired code style and the current needs
> of the optimizer.  That manual unrolling seems like a good candidate
> for automatic transformation. As Agent Smith once said, don't send in
> a human to do a machine's job.

My thoughts exactly, but maybe it's not that simple.  Anyway, I didn't
do this unrolling completely manually.  I used luapp.lua ( ) with a
template (attached, if anyone wants to play with it further; I think
it makes for a nice test case).

> OK, it could be argued that writing good numerical code is hard, but
> only needs to be written once, and then put into a library... so I do
> see the point.  Text templates with [[...]] are not ideal, you lose
> syntax highlighting and compile-time checking.

Not to mention that it takes more brain power to develop such a
templated code (it took me way more time for this simple example than
I expected) and, once you hand over your code, others have to follow
all these idiosyncrasies.


# MAXUNROLL = tonumber(os.getenv('MAXUNROLL')) or 4
# LPP = require('luapp').preprocess
# function loop_unroll(CODE)
#   local prefix = string.match(CODE, "%s+") or ""
#   CODE = string.gsub(CODE, "%[i%]", "[$(i)]")
#  _L.i = 'i'
#   _put(
# prefix, "", LPP{ input="if dim > $(MAXUNROLL) then", output='string', lookup=_L }, "\n",
# prefix, "  ", LPP{ input= "for $(i) = 1,dim do", output='string', lookup=_L }, "\n",
# prefix, "  ", LPP{ input=CODE, output='string', lookup=_L }, "\n",
# prefix, "  end", "\n",
# prefix, "else", "\n")
#   for i = 1,MAXUNROLL do
#     _L.i = i
#     _put(
# prefix, "  ", LPP{ input="if dim >= $(i) then", output='string', lookup=_L }, "\n",
# prefix, "  ", LPP{ input=CODE, output='string', lookup=_L }, "\n",
# prefix, "  end", "\n")
#   end
#   _put(
# prefix, "end", "\n")
# end

use = 'Lua'

if use == 'FFI' then
   ffi = require 'ffi'
   darray = ffi.typeof("double[?]")
elseif use == 'GSL' then
   darray = function(n) return new(n, 1) end
   darray = function(n) local t = {}; for k = 1,n do t[k] = 0; end; return t end

rk4 = {}

  local s = {
    k=         darray(n+1), 
    k1=        darray(n+1),
    y0=        darray(n+1),
    ytmp=      darray(n+1),
    y_onestep= darray(n+1),
    dim = n
  return s

function rk4.step(y, state, h, t, sys)
  -- Makes a Runge-Kutta 4th order advance with step size h.
  local dim = state.dim
  local f = sys.f

  -- initial values of variables y.
  local y0 = state.y0
  -- work space 
  local ytmp = state.ytmp

  -- Runge-Kutta coefficients. Contains values of coefficient k1
  -- in the beginning 
  local k = state.k

  -- k1 step 

# loop_unroll( "  y[i] = y[i] + h / 6 * k[i]; ytmp[i] = y0[i] + 0.5 * h * k[i]" )
  -- k2 step

  f(t + 0.5 * h, ytmp, k)

# loop_unroll( "  y[i] = y[i] + h / 3 * k[i]; ytmp[i] = y0[i] + 0.5 * h * k[i]" )

  -- k3 step 
  f(t + 0.5 * h, ytmp, k)

# loop_unroll( "  y[i] = y[i] + h / 3 * k[i]; ytmp[i] = y0[i] + 0.5 * h * k[i]" )

  -- k4 step 
  f(t + h, ytmp, k)

# loop_unroll( "  y[i] = y[i] + h / 6 * k[i]" )

function rk4.apply(state, t, h, y, yerr, dydt_in, dydt_out, sys)
  local f, dim = sys.f, state.dim
  local k, k1, y0, y_onestep = state.k, state.k1, state.y0, state.y_onestep

# loop_unroll( "  y0[i] = y[i]" )

  if dydt_in then 
# loop_unroll( "    k[i] = dydt_in[i]" )
     f(t, y0, k)

  -- Error estimation is done by step doubling procedure 
  -- Save first point derivatives
# loop_unroll( "  k1[i] = k[i]" )

  -- First traverse h with one step (save to y_onestep) 
# loop_unroll( "  y_onestep[i] = y[i]" )

  rk4.step (y_onestep, state, h, t, sys)

  -- Then with two steps with half step length (save to y) 
# loop_unroll( "  k[i] = k1[i]" )

  rk4.step(y, state, h/2, t, sys)

  -- Update before second step 
  f(t + h/2, y, k)
  -- Save original y0 to k1 for possible failures 
# loop_unroll( "  k1[i] = y0[i]" )

  -- Update y0 for second step 
# loop_unroll( "  y0[i] = y[i]" )

  rk4.step(y, state, h/2, t + h/2, sys)

  -- Derivatives at output
  if dydt_out then f(t + h, y, dydt_out) end
  -- Error estimation
  --   yerr = C * 0.5 * | y(onestep) - y(twosteps) | / (2^order - 1)
  --   constant C is approximately 8.0 to ensure 90% of samples lie within
  --   the error (assuming a gaussian distribution with prior p(sigma)=1/sigma.)

# loop_unroll( "  yerr[i] = 4 * (y[i] - y_onestep[i]) / 15" )

function f_ode1(t, y, dydt)
   local p, q = y[1], y[2]
   dydt[1] = - q - p^2
   dydt[2] = 2*p - q^3

t0, t1, h0 = 0, 200, 0.001

function do_rk(p0, q0, sample, dim)
--  local dim = tonumber(os.getenv('dim') or 2)
  local state =
  local y, dydt, yerr = darray(dim+1), darray(dim+1), darray(dim+1)
  local sys = {f = f_ode1}

  y[1], y[2] = p0, q0

  local t = t0
  local tsamp = t0
  rk4.apply(state, t, h0, y, yerr, nil, dydt, sys)
  t = t + h0
  while t < t1 do
     rk4.apply(state, t, h0, y, yerr, dydt, dydt, sys)
     t = t + h0
     if sample and t - tsamp > sample then
        print(t, y[1], y[2])
        tsamp = t
  print(t, y[1], y[2])

for k=1, 10 do
  local th = math.pi/4 -- *(k-1)/5
  local p0, q0 = math.cos(th), math.sin(th)
  local dim = tonumber(os.getenv('dim') or 2)
  do_rk(p0, q0, sample, dim)