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On 6 January 2011 08:08, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:
> 2. The e-book would be free for all, on the terms of some liberal
> license. Currently it is CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 for the content (the same as
> ProGit) and MIT for software. IANAL, please suggest better
> alternatives.

I think CC-BY or CC-BY-SA might be preferable. After all, almost
nobody writes libraries and releases them under a non-commercial use
only restriction. It can be difficult to determine whether a use is
considered commercial or not, though I will admit the wording in
version 3.0 of the CC license manages to be relatively clear:

You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3
above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward
commercial advantage or private monetary compensation.

As for any code snippets, given that they'll likely be very short I'd
put them under a simple all-permissive license that makes it clear
that use without attribution is acceptable.

