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> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:40 PM, KHMan <> wrote:
>> On 12/29/2010 11:36 AM, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:

> it turns out that PIC32 is a low-end MIPS core with a boatload of
> PIC-style on-chip peripherals and no PIC core anywhere.
> still, it doesn't have any external bus interface (no, GPIO pins
> doesn't count. i've done that on smaller PICs, but it makes external
> memory look like storage devices, not RAM); so any port would be
> limited to what inner memory can hold.
> --
> Javier

Yes, that's what I like about - no external address bus.  Reduced circuit
complexity, lower cost, higher reliability, and fewer part sourcing
issues.  Way back in old times, a decent BASIC interpreter could run in
64K of RAM + ROM.  I don't want to program in BASIC, but a language that
calls itself small and embeddable (i.e. Lua) should really be that.  There
are folks who are running Lua (or eLua) on single-chip ARM systems.  PIC32
with it's MIPS architecture should be just as capable as that.  What's the

Best regards,
Ivan Baggett