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Because any .exe that embeds Lua will suffer from the same problem. If
LuaRocks made this workaround official it would be an incentive for
others to do the same thing.

And you know having the user call setup-kepler is a hack that I want
to go away sometime, but how to do this is a thread for another time.

Fabio Mascarenhas

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:46 PM, Hisham <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Fabio Mascarenhas <> wrote:
>> One workaround we use for the Kepler .exes is that they look for a
>> %EXENAME%.lua file in the same path where they are, if it's there they
>> use it for bootstrapping the Lua envinronment (setting LUA_PATH at the
>> least). But it's awkward as users have to create these files by hand,
>> so we just tell them to pass /scripts %LUAROCKS_BIN_DIR% to the
>> LuaRocks installer, less hassle. Maybe LuaRocks could create a
>> %EXENAME%.lua file with the appropriate bootstrapping when it copies
>> an .exe to scripts_dir?
> If this was a standard procedure, yes, but since it is a
> kepler-specific workaround, how about doing it in setup-kepler?
> -- Hisham