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After a lot more work than we planned Kepler 1.1 is here! Thanks a lot
for all the help over the months and the patience from those who made
it here.

Kepler is a Lua web development platform that offers the same
advantages of Lua. Kepler is simple, portable, light, embeddable and

The Kepler Platform consists in distributions for Windows, Unix and
OSX and allows the development of Web Applications using WSAPI, Orbit
or CGILua technologies; the user can also choose to use additional
modules to support SQL, XML, Zip, MD5, etc.

Kepler uses LuaRocks as its main deployment option, but can be used
without LuaRocks if needed. The best option for deployment without
LuaRocks is to first do a normal deployment (using LuaRocks) in a
separate environment, then copying the modules to the final
environment. This is the recommended solution for embedded scenarios
(doing the LuaRocks-based  deployment in your cross-compilation

Kepler is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1.

Version 1.1 changes
       * Uses LuaRocks 0.5.2 as the main deployment option
       * Offers a Unix installer for Lua and LuaRocks
       * Based on WSAPI
       * Includes Orbit as another web development option (besides
       * Modules:
             o CGILua 5.1.2
             o Copas 1.1.3
             o Cosmo 8.04.14
             o Coxpcall 1.13
             o LPeg 0.8.1
             o LuaFileSystem 1.4.1
             o LuaSocket 2.0.2
             o Orbit 2.0.1
             o Rings 1.2.1
             o WSAPI 1.0
             o Xavante 2.0

For more information on Kepler please check

Feedback on Kepler, LuaRocks and any of its modules is always welcome,

Thanks again,
