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This is strange indeed, LuaSQL is a C file so should not need to 'export "C"' anything... can you send a script of your build commands, so I can try to replicate your build? Also try to run under gdb (or even better, valgrind) to see if it sheds some light on why it barfs.

Fabio Mascarenhas

On 6/11/07, Luís Santos <> wrote:
I have compiled every library and binary with my G++ 3.4.2 (MinGW Edition)..
The only thing I believe to be strange here is that it seems that luasql wasn´t prepared to compile under G++ (I needed to add some const char casts and an 'export "C" for luaopen_*')

Fabio Mascarenhas escreveu:
Did you compile Lua on your own, or are you using someone else's binaries? What about other modules? Your problem looks like mixup of different C runtimes.

Fabio Mascarenhas