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From: "Ignacio Castaño" <>
> may I suggest using lua-4.0.dll or lua4.0.dll instead?

How should I handle Lua 4.0.1 which I use as base.
If I compile it as lua4.0.dll I guess it is compatible enough to load yor
binary luapacklib.dll..., only the luaLM_version() test will fail, as my
setup uses the internal 4.0.1 version number.
Should I rather make the 'minor' version explicit?

Or could we all just go for the bugfixed 4.0.1 as common base?

when I try to loadmodule("packlib") from my lua.exe (which uses
lua4.0.1.dll) I get a windows system alert that the lua4.0.dll is missing,
and then the normal Lua error:
Lua 4.0.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 TeCGraf, PUC-Rio
> loadmodule("packlib")
error: cannot load module packlib:

stack traceback:
   1:  function `loadmodule' [C]
   2:  main of string "loadmodule("packlib")" at line 1