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On 07/12/2018 12:23 PM, papr wrote:
> Hello "Team Lua",
> i have proper  installed "Lua 5.4.0" under Win7 64 bit,
> The Lua - Terminal started with follow Head Message  "Lua 5.4.0
> Copyrigth (c) 1994-2018 PUC-Rio"
> When i will start my "test.lua", with content:         io.write(“Hello
> World!”)     over the Win7 Console,  there is no issue,
> come the _*error message "L:\Lua\bin\lua.exe: L:\test.lua:1: unexpected
> symbol near `</147>`*_ (see attachment ).
> I´m a "Lua - Newbie", can you help me???
> I would be very happy, could you sacrifice a few minutes of your
> precious time for my request.

Couple of things:

You can copy/paste text from the Windows command prompt (From memory:
Use <ctrl>-m and highlight the area, then press <enter>). Better than
taking a screen-shot.

You're sample script seems to have 'left' quote marks (“), not normal
'straight' quotes ("). Are you using MS Word to edit? You might want to
find a good text editor to use (SciTE and Notepad++ are two popular ones
that have Lua support), it'll help a lot when writing scripts.
