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On 1/4/2018 11:40 PM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
2018-01-04 13:38 GMT+02:00 KHMan:

Solution: Forget the C compilers. Distributions or modules should not need
to use a C compiler. Which leads to the age-old issue of manpower, ha ha.

Or do it the ESP8266 way, distribute a Linux VM image with a cross-compiler
targeting Windows and everything for a Lua distro loaded. Solves the
"installing a suitable C compiler" problem.

To expand: I'm just throwing out the ESP8266 way of doing things as an idea bulb. Distributing the ESP8266 toolchain (anyway I dunno if it's official) by way of a Linux VM image provides the chip customer (toolchain user, firmware writer) with an exact something, everything complete. The end user can now run the exact complete toolchain as the chip supplier.

Nothing to install or configure. Download one VM image file, set it up on say VirtualBox. Then boot up, open a terminal, and you are ready to use the complete toolchain, properly installed and set up.

I'm not saying this should be the way Lua distros should do things, it's just someone's solution to supplying a toolchain.

Can't you under Windows 10 just use the Windows Subsystem for Linux?
Install everything as if you are working on a real Linux system?

Hmmm... anyone on the list using WSL?

Although Microsoft just wants to be the coder's best friend these days, they still might sunset projects that do not gain traction. Kinect was the greatest gizmo in the whole wide world, yet -- sunset. Depend on Microsoft? Yeah, until dear Satya says, we need to be lean and mean, so we need to rationalize our product portfolio... :-P

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Selangor, Malaysia