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On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Alek Paunov <> wrote:
> Might be just github organizational accounts using one "meta" repo for the
> wiki, specs (in the git part) and discussion trough the issues +
> clones/mirrors of related/collaborating projects?

That helps with the organization, but we've found that the github
issue tracker is a poor substitute for a mailing list.

If it's low-volume discussion, why not lua-l?

The C++ binding ecosystem seems to be a classic case of scratch a
particular itch, and move on.  Presumably these things once worked as
intended? ;)

A particular issue with C++ is that it's an evolving language, but not
everyone is able to follow the latest goodness (and it's definitely
getting better, I might even start writing in it again) Plus, any
group of N C++ programmers will have N opinions about correct style...