Hi Steve Donovan,
Thank you for saying like that.
I found a similar QnA from stackoverflow[1]
So now I can see that I need to find design patterns for lua. Not GoF.
I have 1 more question. Once I've drawn a diagram below.
|-- 0_hard_wired
`-- 1_stored_programming
|-- 0_binary_code
|-- 1_asmbly
|-- 2_imperative_programming
| |-- 0_procedural_programming
| | |-- BASIC
| | |-- C
| | `-- FORTRAN
| `-- 1_object_oriented_programming
| |-- Java
| `-- SmallTalk
`-- 3_declarative_programming
|-- 0_functional_programming
| |-- erlang
| `-- haskel
`-- 1_logic_programming
It's copied from wikipedia - old one now I can't find same diagram from it.
Can I place Lua under declarative programming?
I mean, is dynamic language the declarative programming?
Thank you always.