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> 2013/11/26 Pierre Chapuis <>:
>> You can atually require parts of LuaRocks in your program
>> if you want, I do it in Lua Toolbox [1].
> I can see these:
> â?¦/luarocks$ ls
> add.lua           fetch.lua          manif_core.lua     search.lua
> admin_remove.lua  fs                 manif.lua          show.lua
> build             fs.lua             new_version.lua    site_config.lua
> build.lua         help.lua           pack.lua           tools
> cache.lua         index.lua          path.lua           type_check.lua
> cfg.lua           install.lua        persist.lua        unpack.lua
> command_line.lua  lint.lua           purge.lua          util.lua
> deps.lua          list.lua           refresh_cache.lua  validate.lua
> dir.lua           loader.lua         remove.lua
> download.lua      make.lua           repos.lua
> fetch             make_manifest.lua  require.lua
> There is no official documentation. That to my mind means
> that the maintainer does not promise anything about what
> the modules do: everything is "implementation detail".

The documentation is at

That being said I agree that a small subset of it could
be guaranteed "stable" if people are to use it in their