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Thanks Tomas,
I'll try and let you know.

But first, I need to make my client code working even without authentication.

I'm trying to invoke a simple "helloworld" service (code can be found on my site :

So nothing complex : no input and it return a string "Cool, ca marche".

I tried following code :


local client = require "soap.client"

local ns, meth, ent = {
    url = "",
    soapaction = "",
    method = "HelloWorld",
    entries = {
print("namespace = ", ns, "element name = ", meth)
for i, elem in ipairs (ent[1]) do
    print (elem[1])

but I always got the same response :
laurent@chose ~/projets/Lua/WebServices $ lua TstHello.lua
namespace =    element name =     helloWorldResponse

I guess the problem is with SoapAction field (only a guess, no proof).
I tried with nil, "", "blabla", "" or the content of WDSL "urn:hello#helloServer#helloWorld" (with or without 'urn:') but I always got NIL :(

Do you know where I'm wrong ?
