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2010/12/8 Linus Sjögren <>
On 7 December 2010 05:46, starwing <> wrote:
> one question: why use OpenAL? SDL has a sound/audio API already.

I asked the lead developer and here's what he said:

<rude> thelinx: SDL has a very low-level sound API.
<rude> We used SDL_mixer before, but it has lots of stupid limitations.
<rude> Like you can't play two music tracks at the same time.
<rude> And no pitch shifting.

So there's that.


i'll try to make a native graphics implement, and a native audio implement. maybe port devIL to Symbian is not so difficult, btw, I found physfs haven't Symbian port, too, I guess love use physfs to decompress zip file. maybe i can try to port it.

if I make a native, e.g. Symbian graphics implement, the standard place to put the source is to create a "Symbian" folder in src/graphics, or put source into platform/Symbian?