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Generations have come and gone. Empires have risen and fallen.
Mountains have been ground to dust by the unstoppable passage of time.
But finally, through great perseverance (and a last minute save by
TechnoCat), we have LÖVE 0.7.0 - Game Slave!

0.7.0 brings lots of exciting new features. Framebuffers, for
rendering to places other than the screen. Threads, for true
multithreaded programming. New callbacks, like love.quit and
love.focus. A text-origin change from lower- to upper-left. And about
a million different bugs have been squashed! You can see everything
we've done in the changelog, as seen below.

We hope you enjoy it! Go out and make beautiful LÖVE!

Changelog and download links:

In case you don't know what LÖVE is, it's a 2D game engine that allows
for quick and easy cross-platform game development using the Lua
programming language.