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2010/12/6 Linus Sjögren <>
There's no official ARM build yet, but I know there's someone on the
forums porting LÖVE to Android.

On 6 December 2010 02:09, starwing <> wrote:
> can it used on ARM machine? e.g. Symbian or Android?

hello, I have look into love's source and found it used a lot of extra libraries:
audio - OpenAL
event - SDL
filesystem - physfs
font - freetype
graphics - OpenGL
image - devIL
joystick - SDL
keyboard - SDL
mouse - SDL
physics - box2d (with source)
sound - SDL
thread - SDL
timer - SDL

luckily I found a Symbian port of SDL, so the biggest issue is done. and freetype has Symbian port, either. and box2d is include into love.

the problem is OpenAL, OpenGL, and devIL. they seems haven't Symbian port.

one question: why use OpenAL? SDL has a sound/audio API already. 

maybe I can write a non-OpenGL implement of graphics module of love.