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As I recall, DinerDash and TapTapRevenge did use Lua.  I'd be surprised if Angry Birds Halloween did not use Lua.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Cut the Rope uses Lua (it's using xml files).

BTW, the #1 featured iPad eBook (and #17 overall book) on the iTunes store "Rabbit and Turtle's Amazing Race HD" was powered by Corona, so it's also powered by Lua.  (Full disclosure: we're the folks behind Corona)

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
> > Does anyone know whether Angry Birds Halloween and Cut the Rope use Lua?
> > (Or other games from the top 10 Paid iPhone Games...)
> I don't know about Cut the Rope, but Walter Luh posted to the list
> earlier this year that a number of games in the top 10 at the time
> (including Angry Birds) embed Lua:

I saw that. Angry Birds is 3rd in the list, but DinerDash and TapTap
Revenge (the others that Walter mentioned) are not in the top list

-- Roberto