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Enrico Colombini wrote:
> As you connect to a real phone, a possible explanation for the different
> impressions could be that most of the problems I experienced come from
> the emulator and related plugins.

Ah! Very likely. The emulator *is* clunky --- but given that it's a
hacked version of qemu emulating an entire phone, ARM processor and all,
I'm not entirely suprised. The virtual device configuration stuff is
also highly unintuitive. Incidentally, one thing that a lot of people
miss --- it needs highlighting in the documentation --- is that you
don't need to restart the emulator for every debug cycle; once launched,
pressing the run or debug button will cleanly update your application
with the new version. So if you're willing to wait for it to start up
once, debugging from then on isn't too bad.

(Other platforms, such as the accurséd Symbian, do testing by compiling
for ix86 and producing a Windows .exe. The result only behaves slightly
like a real phone. It's okay for basic testing but no more than that.
And on-device debugging on Symbian is squamous and rugose.)

David Given