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I've had similar thoughts to those indicated by the original poster, however...

Is it really worth the trouble, to create a web page, register a
domain name, set up hosting, etc. just to replace this: "Lua is not an
acronym." with this: ""; (or whatever) ?

And similarly, on the receiving end of this, to have to follow a link
to a page expounding on the fact that Lua is not an acronym, instead
of simply reading "Lua is not an acronym."

Would it really be helpful?

Besides, the unwitting perpetrators of this outrageous blasphemy will
most likely figure it out themselves anyway (or just go away), so why
bother correcting them at all?

More importantly, 'lmgtfy-style' humiliation would not make for a
dignified welcome to new Lua users.

I humbly submit that the 'do nothing' approach is likely best with
regard to the LUA sacrilege.