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> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 9:31 AM, RJP Computing wrote:
> > On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:07 AM, David Manura wrote:
> >> It should contain all files that may be needed to compile a library from
> >> source.
> >>  This includes lua.h, lauxlib.h, lualib.h, luaconf.h, lua.hpp,
> >> lua5.1.lib/lua51.lib, and lua5.1.def/lua51.def 
> >
> > Well I think this could come in future releases, but for now that doesn't
> > fit the scope of what this project is all about. This distro is to write
> > applications and utilities in Lua, not help the developer emmbed Lua in
> > there application.

The concern was more for extension (of Lua apps and utilities) rather than
embedding.  I'm not arguing for the inclusion of internal source files such a
lua.c and lmem.h but rather only what is analogous to the files in the "include"
and "libs" directories in ActivePython (which I think has similar goals to Lua
for Windows).

As a case in point, I needed the LuaGL DLL to run an example, but I didn't have
a binary, so I proceeded to compile that DLL from source.  To compile it from
source required having lua.h and luaconf.h around.  Now, it's unclear which
version of luaconf.h is compatible with the lua.exe in Lua for Windows since
each build of lua.exe can have a customized version of luaconf.h.  So, I grabbed
these files from somewhere else and hoped for the best (probably, it would have
been best to use LuaBinaries, but there are many builds of LuaBinaries too).

> >> I recommend adding OpenGL libraries, such as LuaGL[1].  One of the IUP
> >> examples
> >> (examples\iup\ctrl\iupglcanvas\luagl.lua) even depends on this.
> >
> > I believe that example works on my machine without LuaGL. Does it for you? I
> > added LuaGL to the todo list.

Hm..I got an error that "gl" was nil.  Building an opengl.dll and doing "require
'opengl'" resolved it.  I also tried some external glut examples (without IUP)
but got crashes (though possibly something in my compile/link wasn't right, as I
didn't find a Makefile in the LuaGL distribution).