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On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:07 AM, David Manura <> wrote:
It should contain all files that may be needed to compile a library from source.
 This includes lua.h, lauxlib.h, lualib.h, luaconf.h, lua.hpp,
lua5.1.lib/lua51.lib, and lua5.1.def/lua51.def (the lib/def are not always
strictly necessary, such as when compiling under ming, but they're useful to
have for the default compiler).

Well I think this could come in future releases, but for now that doesn't fit the scope of what this project is all about. This distro is to write applications and utilities in Lua, not help the developer emmbed Lua in there application. I am not oppossed to disscussing this, but for now, at least until the official version 1.0 is out, we are not takling that part of Lua.
I recommend adding OpenGL libraries, such as LuaGL[1].  One of the IUP examples
(examples\iup\ctrl\iupglcanvas\luagl.lua) even depends on this.

I believe that example works on my machine without LuaGL. Does it for you? I added LuaGL to the todo list.

It would be nice if all the modules could be compiled from source (and their
test suites run) in one shot, but maybe that is the responsibility of LuaRocks.

Yes I think that LuaRocks can fill this request. Our plans for LuaRocks integration is not until the first release is out. Plus a bit more work needs to happen before I think LuaRocks is ready for Windows. It is close though. Also I think the idea that a user needs to build most of the rocks is a problem for a user. This works great on Linux and Mac, but on wndows it makes the user install a compiler. That seems counter intuitive to me, because we are creating a full distro of Lua as the main language, not make it easy to develop C applictaions that use Lua.
RJP Computing