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If I understood well, then one might say that resuming is like calling and yielding is like returning, the only difference being that the callee keeps the values of its local variables between invocations, and each time it is called it starts executing at the instruction following the last yield. Right?


David Kastrup escribió:
"Gregg Reynolds" <> writes:

On 8/13/07, David Kastrup <> wrote:
This would hold at best on single processors: on multiple processors,
several threads can run simultaneously unpreempted.  However,
coroutines, being strictly synchronized, can have something that
threads in general don't: they can pass values.  Yielding in a Lua
thread will both pass and accept a value to and from the controlling
Lua thread.  This is obviously only possible when the caller is
suspended until the called thread yields.  Apart from the switching of
the stacks, this is completely identical to function calls.

Another thing:  the surface syntax of Lua makes the relation of
coroutines appear to be asymmetric.  But I think coroutines are
symmetric;  yield and resume are synonyms meaning "invoke
Yes, this has occured to me as well: the language is not expressing
this symmetry.  However, there are some slight differences:

Yielding is always done to the thread that resumed, while resuming can
be done to any thread.  This is similar to function calls: they always
return to the caller, but calling can be done to any function.

So we are actually again in a caller/callee relationship.  It is just
weaker than in function calling because the callee does not need to be
at function begin/exit.