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On 8/13/07, David Kastrup <> wrote:
> This would hold at best on single processors: on multiple processors,
> several threads can run simultaneously unpreempted.  However,
> coroutines, being strictly synchronized, can have something that
> threads in general don't: they can pass values.  Yielding in a Lua
> thread will both pass and accept a value to and from the controlling
> Lua thread.  This is obviously only possible when the caller is
> suspended until the called thread yields.  Apart from the switching of
> the stacks, this is completely identical to function calls.

Another thing:  the surface syntax of Lua makes the relation of
coroutines appear to be asymmetric.  But I think coroutines are
symmetric;  yield and resume are synonyms meaning "invoke
continuation". Just for fun, using mock assembler:

// global vars to hold jump addresses:
ADDR resume, cc
INT result
   mov 1 into result
   mov continuation-x into resume
   mov continuation-a into cc  // current-continuation
   jmp resume
continuation-a:   // coroutine a sth with result...
   mov 2 into result
   mov cc into resume
   mov continuation-b into cc
   jmp resume
continuation-b: sth with result
   mov 3 into result
   mov cc into resume
   mov continuation-a into cc  // reset
   if <foo>
   jmp resume        // next jmp to sub-resume restarts coroutine
   jmp cc  // loop
continuation-x:  // coroutine x sth with result
   mov 4 into result
   mov cc into resume
   mov continuation-y into cc
   jmp resume
continuation-y: sth with result
   mov 5 into result
   mov cc into resume
   mov continuation-x into cc  // reset
   if <bar>
   jmp resume        // next jmp to sub-resume restarts coroutine
   jmp cc  // loop

I can't be certain it works since I just whipped it up, but I think
it's a pair of cooperating coroutines,  that pass data without a
stack.  With pseudo-continuations. In an infinite loop.  How many
threads?  Surely every continuation should be considered a thread, no?