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> Do you have suggestions for what would be a good way for us to solve 
> that CFLAGS problem? One idea I have been experimenting with in the 
> development branch is to teach Pallene to invoke the C compiler through 
> Luarocks. Luarocks knows how to compile on several operating systems 
> (not just Linux, which is the only supported one currently) and Luarocks 
> also knows the right CFLAGS. That said, it also feels a bit like trying 
> to fit a square peg in a round hole because Luarocks wants to build a 
> whole rock, not individual files...

There are many solutions, that could be one.

The way I would do it would be:

- Refactor so that the "c_compiler" module does not call os.getenv directly,
  but instead pass the flags through function arguments and only call
  os.getenv in `bin/pallenec`.

- Customize `bin/pallenec` at "build" time (the same way Luarocks has
  a --with-lua flag). You could probably do it automatically in the rockspec.
  Or I could customize it myself, it's easy.

However note that there are already way to make it work, for instance
I could write a wrapper script for pallenec (or modify the one from
Luarocks) like this:

    pwd="$(dirname "$0")"
    lua_incdir="$(lua -e "$("$pwd"/luarocks config); print(variables.LUA_INCDIR)")"
    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:--O2} -I "$lua_incdir"" "$pwd"/pallenec "$@"

It's just a little too magic for my taste. =)

Pierre Chapuis