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On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 10:35 AM bil til <> wrote:
But you do not need UTF8 variables if you do not want them.

Usually any fairly good editor has possibility to disable UTF8 coding, or to
mark it in some special colour... .

Thus I do not understand why you then have so strong objections against

Of course the language clash + culture clash + writing clash has always very
annoying side effects (it can be also very nice and enriching often though

But the Chinese will tell you quite the most of your arguments vc vs ...
Probably they would not complain too much about BAD Chinese translations (as
there are many diligent Chinese translators around there...), but they
certainly complain that many western people want to force them to western
writing, and that many western suppliers will force them to use western
writing at many points of their life, where they would very much prefer
their Chinese writing ... .

This is true of most Chinese people, but most professional Chinese software engineers -- and indeed, most experienced software engineers around the world -- simply consider English to be the language that code is written in. The language keywords are already in English, the library functions are already in English. And despite there having been a number of attempts to localize programming languages for non-English audiences, none of them have been successful outside of educational contexts. Chinese Python, for example, was abandoned after 2.1.3. The only exception I'm aware of is early on in Russian computing history.

None of this seems to have put any significant limits on the ability of Chinese engineers to write software.

You may notice that Lua itself is written and maintained by people from Brazil, who presumedly speak Portuguese in daily conversation. Python was made by a Dutch engineer.

In the end, it's simply not a feature with enough demand to be worth the associated headaches, not even among the audiences that would nominally be best served by them.

/s/ Adam