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Le mer. 30 oct. 2019 à 13:28, bil til <> a écrit :
To avoid misunderstandings:

With this topic I would NOT intend to create "libraries" in UTF8 format, or
any "basic lua code".

I would like to allow this just for the "final end user at the front". If I
e. g. sell some software to China, which has some configuration interface
supporting scripting, I am very sure that Chinese customers would LOVE to
have the possibility to use Chinese variable names in their "final lua" code
(NOT to be meant to be used as library).

This is not a desire, but already happens in existing languages (including C, C++, Java, _javascript_, PHP, Python... and even in open-sourced projects, they accept English psekaing contributors, but use Chinese as the primary language, including for base of translations of their UI and the documentation of their API, and for the primary support, and very poor support provided for English writers and lot of typos and misnaming and confusion when they attempt to create meaningful English contents! You may be surpised to see how various OS-native API using English terms are immediately overriden or mixed with som many Chinese identifiers. Outside Southern China around Hong Kong, knowledge of Englosh is very poor in PR China, including in Beijing; now look at the user manuals of many products sold from China, or product descriptiosn in Chinese online shops: their english is complete non-sense, they seem to use automatic translators and are unable to correct the generated texts to something that is meaningful and not a lot confusive; as well their reading of English is frequently perceiced by many of them as offensive, as they easily confuse terms, many of them only uyse uatomated translators that really have difficulties to handle English-Chinese translations; worse, they have difficutlies to find allies elsewhere in China speaking English more easily, and don't like to delegate any level of trust; there's visibly huge pressure and fair constantly being monitored and politically embarassed, so they tend to keep many things secret or obscure and don't like supporting other languages).