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On 11/10/2019 19.27, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
Lua 5.4.0 (beta-rc2) remains available for testing at

Please take a look before we freeze Lua 5.4.0 (beta), which will happen next week if no glitches are reported.

All feedback is welcome. Thanks.

I went through the whole manual… took a while (sorry), real life got in
the way.

(According to the checksums, there were no changes from beta-rc2 to
beta, so this should still be current?)

I probably won't have time to dig further anytime soon. =/

-- nobody

## 2.4 (metamethods) / __index, same for __newindex / __call


`__index`: The indexing access operation `table[key]`. This event happens when `table` is not a table or when `key` is not present in `table`. >>>The metamethod is looked up in `table`.<<<

That last bit is very confusing.  To me, this reads as if a failing
`t[k]` looks for `__index` in `t`, not the metatable.

Better: …is looked up in `table`'s metatable. / `func`'s metatable.

## 2.4 (metamethods) / __name


(The entry __name, when it contains a string, is used by some error-reporting functions to build error messages.)

`tostring` also uses it, so maybe "…, is used by `tostring` and some…"

## 2.5.2 (generational garbage collection)


It's not clear whether the generational collections are also done
incrementally or all at once.  (This matters for interactive programs
like games.)  That this isn't mentioned at all (no parameters for step
size etc. apart from minor/major thresholds) makes me think that I'll
have to deal with random long pauses from major collections.

Adding an explicit statement one way or the other would help, I think.

## 3.3.7 (local declarations)


A list of variables can contain at most one to-be-closed variable.

This is somewhat surprising and makes it harder to work with functions
that return multiple close-worthy resources.  The example that I ran
into is input/output pairs like

   local i<close>, o<close> = pipe(…)

Dealing with this requires some extra shuffling and local variables, and
you can't stick those into an inner scope because they need to be
visible for the <close> variables and those can't be pre-declared… and
so you end up with

   local i<close>,_o = pipe(…) ; local o<close> = _o

With the current constraint, the only reasonable way I see for dealing
with multiple things from a function that need to be <close>d is to pack
everything together so that there's only one thing to <close> and then
unpack that into the parts that you actually work with…

   local p<close> = pipe(…)
   local i, o = p.i, p.o

That's okay-ish, but if the constraint of only one <close> per local can
be removed, that'd simplify things somewhat.

## 3.4.3 (coercions and conversions)


The string library uses metamethods that try to coerce strings to numbers in all arithmetic operations. If the conversion fails, the library calls the metamethod of the other operand (if present) or it raises an error.
Actually it only tries the metamethod of the right side, to prevent a
"ping-pong" loop with some other metamethod that applies the same logic.

It might be useful to be explicit about this so that other programmers
reading the manual understand the potential problem and also write their
metamethods in such a loop-preventing way.

## 3.4.11 (function definitions)


Then, we have the following mapping from arguments to parameters and
 to the vararg expression:
    CALL            PARAMETERS
    f(3)             a=3, b=nil
    …                …
'PARAMETERS' is one space to the left of the column.

## 4.8


With a narrow window, the [-o,+p,x] marker may overlap the function,
making both unreadable.

I don't know how to fix this – does anyone on the list have experience
with that?

### lua_call


To do a call you must use the following protocol: first, the value to
be called is pushed onto the stack; then, the arguments to the call
are pushed in direct order; that is, the first argument is pushed
first. Finally you call lua_call; nargs is the number of arguments
that you pushed onto the stack. When the function returns, all
arguments and the function value are popped and the function results
are pushed onto the stack. …

Suboptimal choice of words; suggestion:

first, the value to be called is pushed onto the stack
--> first, the function value is pushed onto the stack

(The purpose is IMHO clearer than "value to be called", and "function
value" instead of "function" still expresses the generality.)

and the function results are pushed onto the stack.
--> and the call results are pushed onto the stack.

(Functions don't do anything, calling functions does.)

## 6 (the standard library)


Currently, fail is equal to nil, but that may change in future versions.

This would worsen confusion of values and in-band error signaling,
making it harder to write generic higher-order / glue code or DSLs.

When creating other computational substrates on / within Lua, these
usually don't contain the "Lua-ism" `nil` (and so that can freely be
used on the Lua / implementation side to signal errors).  Booleans
however are often needed and there's no alternative, as (apart from
`nil`) there's no false value other than `false`, which means you have
to reuse primitive booleans unless you're willing to get rid of
if/while/and/… in your new substrate (DSL / library / …).

Depending on the computational patterns used, things might usually
continue to work (e.g. if you're chaining functions and always pass a
state value along first like `{f,g,…}( self, ... )`) or it could break
completely for booleans (e.g. when using varargs as a stack – think
embedded forth – where pushing false becomes indistinguishable from
reporting failure in-band, and so you'd have to use a different
reporting pattern and put in more work to wrap the stdlib).

## 6.1 (basic functions)

### warn


By convention, a one-piece message starting with '@' is intended to be a control message [….] the standard warning function in Lua […] ignores unknown control messages.
It might be better to warn about unknown "@…" instead of completely
ignoring them.

So instead of

> warn "@foo"
--> (nothing)

you'd get

> warn "@foo"
--> Lua warning: invalid warning (starts with '@'): @foo

(But people can also wrap warn to always become warn( "", ... ), if
they're aware of this and don't need control messages…)

### xpcall


It'd be a good idea to repeat the note from `lua_pcall` that the message
handler is not run for all errors.

Not all Lua users know C / read the C API part of the manual.  (I have
seen invalid code that relied on xpcall always calling the message
handler to do cleanup.)

This could be combined with a nudge towards the new deterministic
cleanup feature, e.g.:

This function is similar to [`pcall`], except that it sets a new message handler `msgh`. (Note that the message handler is not called
for some error types, use [to-be-closed variables] if you want to
release resources in case of errors.)
Or, simpler

This function is similar to [`pcall`], except that it sets a new message handler `msgh`. (See [`lua_pcall`] for caveats.)

## 6.3 (modules)

### require / package.searchers


If [a searcher function] cannot find the module, it returns a string explaining why (or nil if it has nothing to say).

The error descriptions are concatenated without separators.  The default
searchers explicitly prefix their messages with "\n\t", but not all
custom loaders (e.g. Luarocks' loader) do this, which results in
weirdly-formatted error messages.

> require "X"
stdin:1: module 'X' not found:No LuaRocks module found for X
	no field package.preload['X']
	no file './X.lua'

It'd be better if `findloader` in loadlib.c (which is already using a
`luaL_Buffer` for concatenation) would take care of adding the
separator, so that the searchers can just return the error message
instead of (separator + message).

## 6.4 (string manipulation)

### string.format


It's great to see that '%q' now supports all primitive values, which
makes it even more useful for serialization.

(1) It might be a good idea to also have it accept other values for '%q'
if they have __tostring.  (You can't `("%q"):rep( #t, "," )` without
looking at the values.  Even if you did a tostring() pass first on just
those values that need it, they'd end up quoted as strings, which would
be wrong.  So you actually have build the format "manually" and use '%q'
or '%s' depending on the type, which takes A LOT more code than just the
:rep() call… OTOH, if '%q' accepts __tostring, dumping an array could be
as easy as `("%q"):rep( #t, "," ):format( table.unpack( t ) )`.)

(2) It might be better if newlines are escaped as "\n" instead of "\
", which would make '%q' more suitable for formats other than Lua (e.g.
line-based data files or other programming languages).  (One can
manually :gsub this afterwards, but that's an extra step… The only
advantage for '\<lf>' over '\n' I can see might be a slight increase in
readablility _within_ a single string, but if you're dumping many
strings, readability suffers as the large-scale structure (e.g. nested
tables / lines / indentation) is obscured by embedded newlines.)

### 6.4.2 (format strings for pack and unpack)


A format string is a sequence of conversion options. The conversion options are as follows […] ' ': (empty space) ignored
"empty space" is wrong(?), maybe 'space character'?