This public revendication is just to block unfair patents that these companies develop against the original authors (spoliating their legal right and any other open source developer), if someone get sued by them. Keep the track of my public mail record and date in your archives as an evidence that their possible future claim are invalid.
(The Lua mailing list archive may also be used as an evidence, but I can keep track of this series in my own Gmail account that Google should protect from reappropriation).
If you want an open licence, I choose the current LGPL v3 or later version published by the FSF, or if you prefer, the current French LO/OL licence (compatible with the GPL, LGPL and many other licences).
Of course my revendication is only valid starting today from my posted mails on this list, but it is not valid if someone authored and published that idea before and demonstrates it with other public records (for now I don't know is such prior art exists; those authors may manifest themselves to this list, or to me so that I can publicly deny my rights here or elsewhere: I don't want to abuse any legal prior rights).