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So, the concept of glyph in unicode exists without the font. Maybe the term should be something like logic glyph, or well known glyphs sequences... 

What you are refererring to is called "character" in typesetting (the lookup index in the font table) and has nothing to with "Java char". "Glyph" as concept makes only sense when typesetting with a font. 

Please familiarize yourself more with the horrible depths of typesetting before trying to invent new terminology.

When editors tread modifying characters together with the character that is being modified as one "character" to be edited, is a feature of said editor. 

Typesetting is really a complicated thing I also only dabble in (a little while ago I wrote the truetype font hinting engine for opentype.js where I encountered a good part of it) and honestly - I repeat - people suggesting it to be included in this or that way more often than not underestimate the size of the can of worms they want to open or are just happy with their local hack that ignores by much of the issues that certainly be encountered by other people.