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I don't know if it's still true, but at least at one point, it seemed like every release of lua made it smaller, simpler, faster, _and_ more powerful. It seems impossible to keep improving on all of those at once, but the lua team is rather special. 

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 16:47 Italo Maia <> wrote:
> One of the great things about Lua is that it provokes these kinds of fun
> debates about language design. I don't see much of that elsewhere but in the
> end I think it's productive.

What makes it fun is that we can argue castles into the air, secure in
the knowledge that the Lua team won't do anything silly.

That is so true! It is really nice to see that the language is not getting more complex just because some idea from "x" was presented with enough sugar coating.
Things need a really good reason to enter core. There are some popular languages out there adding new "features" without a real need or just
copying features from other languages in a rush, "just because". It is also nice to see the community standing up for many of the good lua
design choices, even if they are not popular with the cool kids.

2018-07-05 21:39 GMT+02:00 Dirk Laurie <>:
2018-07-05 21:15 GMT+02:00 Gregg Reynolds <>:

> One of the great things about Lua is that it provokes these kinds of fun
> debates about language design. I don't see much of that elsewhere but in the
> end I think it's productive.

What makes it fun is that we can argue castles into the air, secure in
the knowledge that the Lua team won't do anything silly.

"A arrogância é a arma dos fracos."

Me. Italo Moreira Campelo Maia
Co-fundador do Grupo de Usuários Python do Ceará
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